

the professional skill or practice of beautifying the face, hair, and skin.

Full-Time  11 Months  /  Part-Time  14 Months   1500 Hours

•The professional course in cosmetology requires the satisfactory completion of 1500 hours training. This will entitle you to take the Tennessee State Board of Cosmetology Examination for the Tennessee Cosmetology License. The instructional methods used to teach are from the Milady’s text book and practical hands on training.

The suggested curriculum according to the State Board of Cosmetology is as follows:

General: 300 Hours

Sterilization, Sanitation,  Bacteriology, Anatomy, Physiology, Shop Ethics, State Laws and Regulation, Personality and Salesmanship

Chemical: 600 Hours

Permanent Waves, Hair Relaxer, Hair coloring, Bleaching ,Toning, Sculpture Nails, Hair Structures and Chemistry

Physical: 600 Hours

Shampooing and Rinses, Hair and Scalp Care, Hair Shaping, Hairdressing and Styling,Facials, Arching, Lash and Brow Tinting , Manicures and Pedicures

Total Hours: 1500 Hours

 Required Total:1500 Hours      

Curriculum Total:1500 Hours

•Orientation is included under GENERAL section of the curriculum.